Have used this for years and prefer it to the linen wrap.
The fiber mesh is not as sticky as it used to be. It looks dry on the clients nails. When they come for a balance n your buffing you can see the mesh right away.
Backscratchers: With the Fiberglass
you can slightly see the strands of mesh. Be careful not to file through the resin to the fiberglass,it will show through.
This fiberglass wrap is superior to all others. It has so much more sticking power, and strength than any I have used. Loyal client for 30+ years.
Best fiberglass on the market
The fiberglass isn’t sticky very hard to use. I’d like a replacement if it’s possible.
Thank you for your review. We sent out the replacement for you.
Best wrap system I’ve ever used! Tried many others in my 30 years as a manicurist. Nothing beats Backscratchers.
when are the strips coming back? I have the silk stress strips...but no fiberglass for monthes!
I’ve used many brands and always return .
Great product. I have used it for 30 years!